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Declaration of Trust

When we accept applications we make commitments to one another. Please consider the promises below and be sure that you are happy with them before making an application.

A commitment is made by the child or young person to attend their chosen activity regularly. Attendance should be a priority. We promise to do all we can to ensure that attendance is possible but we cannot continue funding if attendance drops too low.

We do not request financial information from you. We trust your judgment, so a promise must be made that family finances cannot cover the activity. You must also confirm that statutory eligibility for support has also been exhausted.

The referring professional must make a commitment to manage the application and grant giving process, and support activity attendance. They must be available to liaise with Thriving through Recreation when necessary. We also commit to being available for this.

Thriving through Recreation commits to remaining non-judgemental, empathetic, and inclusive throughout the application and grant-giving relationship. We also commit to protecting your privacy and personal information.

Every application must confirm that the chosen activity provider is not directly connected, either personally or professionally, to the applicant, their family, or the referring professional.

A commitment to short, informal termly reviews must be made. Ideally, these will involve the child or young person, care giver and referring professional. They are likely to be done by videocall but, in some instances, can be via telephone.

If a grant is awarded, Thriving through Recreation makes a commitment to be timely and efficient in delivering funds to providers.

Thriving Through Recreation promise to liaise closely with the child or young person, their family and the referring professional to agree that the chosen provider can adequately support the child or young person. We also endeavour to confirm the credibility, expertise and safeguarding credentials of the chosen provider. 

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